Topic: Guilt-free living – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 5 September 2020]

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Guilt-free living

September 5, 2020

“… there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” – ROMANS 8:1

Barbara Bush, visiting Emperor Hirohito at Tokyo’s Imperial Palace, asked the Japanese prince if his opulent dwelling was new. “Yes,” Hirohito answered. “Was the old palace so old it was falling down?” Hirohito replied, “No. You bombed it.” Mrs. Bush could have retorted about the need to restore Pearl Harbor after the 1941 Japanese attack. The truth is the only person with the right to condemn another is the absolutely pure individual. Jesus Christ alone is qualified to judge humanity. When we receive Him as Savior, He grants us His absolute innocence, and we are as pure as our Judge!

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