Topic: HANDLING HURTS AND OFFENCES (PART TWO) [Church of God Mission International] ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL MANUAL 20 June 2021 -

Topic: HANDLING HURTS AND OFFENCES (PART TWO)  [Church of God Mission International] ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL MANUAL 20 June 2021

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[5:06 AM, 6/20/2021] +234 805 414 6127: ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL MANUAL*




HYMN S, S & S 201 “Spirit Divine, attend our prayers….. “

CENTRAL THOUGHT The Holy spirit helps believer to handle hurt and offences

In human relationships, it is Commonly said that no one is an island. In every sphere of life, there is always interaction among people. In the process of interacting with one another, hurts and offences may likely arise.
These are inevitable in human existence and
interaction no matter how much we may try to avoid them. It is only by the help of the Holy
Spirit that we can Successfully handle hurts and offences as we encounter them in our
daily living. In this study, we shall be look…
[6:14 AM, 6/20/2021] +234 805 414 6127: You asked for N10,000 and your dad told you he will give you in the morning before he leaves for work. This was after he has thoroughly scrutinised what you needed the money for, all the questions he asked were already making you angry,
Throughout the night your dad couldn’t sleep because he was thinking of how to give you his last N10,000,
When it was morning, he called you into his room and gave you N9,000 instead of N10,000, You were not happy and squeezed your face in discontent and reluctantly said thank you after complaining that it was not complete,
Your mum after seeing this will not say anything but will meet you in your room where your dad isn’t and give you N2,000 from her own money and say “don’t mind him, use this one to complete it”.

You began to smile like fido dido, And you’ll quickly run to Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp to write…

“I have the best mum in the world, i love my mum”.

Now your dad had gone out with just 1,000 in his pocket with no fuel in his car, Because of you, he used public transport that day to work,
At work he worked over time, After closing late, everyone keeps saying “daddy is never always around except mum”.

Your good dad will never allow you see how much he suffers for the family because he is a MAN.

Always try to appreciate your dad because you can never tell what he is going through for your sake, That he is not always around like your mum does not mean he does not care about you deeply.

Appreciate your father while you still can!

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