Topic: “HATE EVIL” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 27 February 2021

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READ: 1 Samuel 20:1-23

Woe unto them that call evil good…” – Isaiah 5:20

People usually become attracted to something before they go for it. In the same way, if you approve of somebody who is doing the wrong thing, then you are likely to want to do the same thing yourself.

God expects the Christian to disapprove of evil. Although Saul was Jonathan’s father, Jonathan acknowledged that the King, his father, was wrong in trying to kill David. David had done no wrong, but out of jealousy, Saul attempted to kill him.

Jonathan disassociated himself from what his father was doing and associated himself with the right, which was David. That is what a real Christian must do. You must not approve of what is wrong. You must be bold and say, “This is wrong, and that is right! And I stand for what is right.”

From experience, I have noticed that if you praise evil, one day you will also commit the same evil. You become what you admire. If someone is a rebel and you approve of the person, one day you may also be a rebel. I watch for people who do not condemn the evil going on around them. The Christian should never approve of evil.

…Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good … Malachi 2:17

Watch out for Christians who do not disapprove of evil; they are probably thinking of doing the same thing one day.

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