Topic: Have You Opened the Greatest Gift of All? - Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 25 December 2021 -

Topic: Have You Opened the Greatest Gift of All? – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 25 December 2021

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Have You Opened the Greatest Gift of All?

Jesus is the greatest person who has ever lived; each year we celebrate His Birth as the coming of our salvation.

Salvation is the greatest gift of all.

Salvation is the only gift that everyone really needs.

Also Read: Open Heaven 25 December 2021 – Topic: SAVED BY GRACE! 

Salvation is presented to us as the ultimate Christmas gift in what is perhaps the best known verse of the Bible.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

During World War I the newspapers ran the story of a letter found in the pocket of a soldier who had been killed in action. As his pockets were emptied and mailed to his mother, these words were found by her written on the back of a letter:

“The Greatest Verse in the Bible”

For God—the Greatest Lover

So loved—the Greatest Love

The World—the Greatest company

That He gave—the Greatest Event (which is Christmas)

His only begotten Son—the Greatest Gift

That whosoever—the Greatest Offer

Believeth in Him—the Greatest Simplicity

Should not Perish—the Greatest Security

But Have Everlasting Life—the Greatest Possession

This Christmas do you have that greatest security? Do you know that you have received the greatest possession of all—Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

Sometimes Christmas is especially hard for those who compare what they want with what others get. But the good news is that as a Christian, God has given us everything in Christ.

All we have to do is unwrap and experience all that He has given to us.


All of us who are saved, born again, and believers in Jesus Christ today have received a gift—the greatest gift. But the question we need to answer is have you opened that gift? Salvation has many wonderful elements—each like a special present. Are you opening your presents?

Salvation is a package that contains a lifetime of never ending joys and delights as we partake of Christ, finding Him our daily portion.

But how often do we only glance at them and think that we already have “done that [been saved]”—and do not grow in ‘grace and the knowledge’ of all that Christ’s death accomplished for us?

These gifts are opened by faith one by one as we see who we have become in Christ. So the Christ of Christmas is the start of a lifetime of priceless treasures, given to us freely by God above.

Be sure you have opened your presents this Christmas, given by Jesus.

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