Topic: HE COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 7 April 2020

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“And those who went before and those who followed were shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’” – Mark 11:9 

April 7, 2020

Just imagine what it must have been like to be there as Jesus entered Jerusalem on that day of Passover! The people waved palm branches and cried, “Blessed is the King Who comes in the name of the Lord!” Crowds gathered and extolled Him. They rejoiced in His powers of healing, in the miracles He had performed. His popularity reigned supreme.

But the Pharisees didn’t like it. “Teacher, reprove Your disciples,” they shouted. Notice that they didn’t call Jesus King, but simply a teacher. To them, Jesus was just any other teacher. Yet, Jesus had become a problem. Every day, His growing popularity became a greater threat to their authority.

Is the situation much different today? As we celebrate the majesty of our King Jesus, there are still those who would like to silence our voices of praise and exultation. There are still those who scoff and label Jesus as just another religious leader. In Jesus’ day, many rejoiced in all the miracles He performed, only to later abandon Him as He was crucified.

So, where do WE stand?

Those of us who know Jesus as Savior and Lord should not be silenced by those who would reprove us. We should all stand in allegiance to Him as we celebrate the empty tomb after the cross. We cannot run away or cower in the face of difficulty and impending doom. No, because we want the world to know – as we know – that Jesus Christ is King!

No matter how dark the world appears or hopeless life might seem, Jesus offers a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). Jesus offers freedom no other can sustain Jesus offers a Kingdom no other can create. As we celebrate Easter week, let us cling to the hope of Jesus. Like that day long ago as Jesus entered Jerusalem on Passover, may we, too, praise the name of Jesus Christ: “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!”

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