Topic: He Doesn’t Need a Cloud [Joel Osteen Devotional September 6 2019] -

Topic: He Doesn’t Need a Cloud [Joel Osteen Devotional September 6 2019]

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“Is anything too hard for the Lord?…”
Genesis 18:14, NIV


One beautiful, sunny day we were in the backyard enjoying the blue sky when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it began to rain even though there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The sun was out and very bright, but for about three minutes, there was a downpour. We thought, “Where in the world is this rain coming from?”

It was like God was saying, “I can make it rain whenever I want to. I can use a little cloud, a big cloud or no cloud. I’m God. I’m the All-Powerful, Creator of the universe. When I say rain, I don’t need a cloud. When I say healing, I don’t have to use medicine. When I say promotion, I don’t need the approval of your boss. When I say abundance, I don’t need a bank. I’m not limited by the natural. I’m a supernatural God.”

Whatever you are facing today, no matter what things look like in the natural, know that God has the answer. Trust Him because He can make a way where there seems to be no way. He can make something out of nothing, and He doesn’t need a cloud to make it rain!


Father, I praise You today because You are worthy. I trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I believe that You can make a way out of no way, and I look for Your rain of blessing in every area of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen

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