Topic: He Holds You In His Hand [Joel Osteen Devotional 9 December 2019]

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Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you…I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand…
Isaiah 41:10, AMPC


We all face situations in life that feel out of control. During times like these, it’s easy to get discouraged and allow fear to creep in. Instead, why don’t you focus on the fact that God is holding you in the palms of His hands! There is nothing too difficult for Him; nothing’s impossible; nothing is beyond His ability. When God holds you in His hands, you are safe; you are cared for. In His hands, there is victory. In His hands, there is strength. In His hands, there is provision. In His hands is everything you need.

No matter what you may be going through today, you can trust that God is for you. Instead of getting down and depressed over your circumstances, look up and get a vision of God turning that situation around. Let faith rise in your heart and focus on His favor, promotion and blessing. As you keep your heart and mind focused on Him and choose to obey His Word, you’ll see those supernatural breaks that will launch you further ahead than you ever thought possible because He holds you with His victorious right hand!


“Father, thank You for helping me and holding me in Your victorious right hand. I choose to trust You even when things don’t make sense, even when things seem beyond my control. I release my cares to You knowing that You work all things together for my good in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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