Topic: He Still Crosses Lakes [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 7 June 2021]

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He Still Crosses Lakes

Jun 07, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Mark 5:15, NLTThey saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons. He was sitting there fully clothed and perfectly sane.

Today’s Word

In Mark 5, there was a demon possessed man who lived among the tombs. People tried to restrain him, but he would break the chains. Nothing could control him. For years, night and day, he wandered through the tombs screaming and cutting himself. One day Jesus crossed the lake and went straight to where he was. The man fell at His feet, then Jesus cast the spirits out, and he was instantly healed and restored to normal.

Jesus made a special trip just to get to this man. Sometimes forces of darkness come against us, and we can’t get free on our own. The good news is that our God still crosses lakes. When you can’t get to Him, He’ll come to you. The addiction seems too strong, the sickness too big, the failure too great, but God is crossing the lake right now. The forces that have held you back are being broken. What you couldn’t make happen, the Most High God is making happen.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for crossing the lake and coming to me when I couldn’t come to You. Thank You for freeing me from what I could not free myself and bringing me out of trouble that I could not get out of. I believe that Your mercy is everlasting, and You never stop crossing lakes. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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