Topic: “HEART ISSUES” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 8 August 2020

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READ: Matthew 12:33-37

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” Proverbs 4:23

The human heart works by receiving and then giving blood. This fact demonstrates how a person’s life is affected by the heart. It is the blood that is received into the heart that is pumped out. A person receives blood into his heart and pumps out fresh life-giving blood to the rest of the body. This means that what you allow to come into your heart is what you eventually give out.

The human heart pumps blood to the furthermost and distant parts of the body. This demonstrates how the spiritual heart affects the furthermost and minutest aspects of your life. Every little aspect of your life is somehow affected by what is in your heart. This is why the heart is so important, because it affects everything about you.

“But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man ‘unclean.’ For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man ‘unclean’;” (Matthew 15:18-20, NIV).

The human heart gives life to the whole body by pumping oxygenated blood to all parts of the body. This shows us that the heart of a person is what releases life, joy and peace. The life-giving part of your ministry is your heart.

“May my heart be blameless in Your statutes, So that I will not be ashamed” (Ps 119:80, NASB).

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