Topic: Heavenly Joy [David Jeremiah Ministry 9 July 2020 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: Heavenly Joy [David Jeremiah Ministry 9 July 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Heavenly Joy

JULY 9, 2020

You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11

 Recommended Reading: Psalm 21:6

Everyone has a special place or environment they know will bring them great joy. Perhaps it is in nature—a waterfall or mountain vista. It may be the weekly worship service at church. For grandparents, it might be a few hours of adventure with a treasured grandchild. The anticipation of such pleasure heightens the experience once it arrives.

The psalmist, David, anticipated the “fullness of joy” in God’s presence—“pleasures forevermore.” He looked forward to the eternal pleasure of experiencing God’s presence, what we would refer to, from a New Testament perspective, as heaven. Not evident in the English translation of Psalm 16:11 is the fact that the word “joy” is plural in Hebrew, this plural form also occurs in Psalm 45:15. The plural form intensifies the joy David anticipated: absolute joy, various joys, or intense joy. This was no idle or casual expectation on his part; he was absolutely looking forward to the multifaceted joy of dwelling in God’s presence forever.

Such anticipation comes from knowing God now. The deeper we know Him now, the more we will anticipate the joy of dwelling in His presence.

One hour in heaven and we shall be ashamed that we ever grumbled. 

Vance Havner


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Proverbs 30-31

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