Topic: Heavenward [David Jeremiah Ministry 6 January 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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JANUARY 6, 2021

They do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown.
1 Corinthians 9:23

 Recommended Reading: Philippians 3:12-14

Last August as the pilot of an American Airlines flight was approaching Los Angeles International Airport, he radioed the tower, saying, “Tower, American 1997. We just passed a guy in a jetpack.” Another flight also radioed, “We just saw the guy pass by us on the jetpack.” The man was in the air at about 3,000 feet. As of this writing, the highflyer hasn’t been caught or identified, but the FBI is investigating.[1]

Flying in a jetpack near an airport isn’t recommended! But it does bring to mind an old hymn that says, “I’m pressing on the upward way, / New heights I’m gaining every day; / Still praying as I’m onward bound, / ‘Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.’”

Faith is not about perfection, but direction. When we make it all the way to heaven, we’ll be perfected and glorified. Until then, we press upward, trusting God at every level. You don’t need a jetpack to live above the world. Just pray: “My heart has no desire to stay / Where doubts arise and fears dismay; / Though some may well where these abound, / My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.”[2]

Look up in simple faith to the Crucified Saviour, who alone can lift [you] to a higher plane of life.

Ruth Paxson

[1]Lauren M. Johnson, “A Man Flying a Jetpack Was Reported by Pilots Above Los Angeles,” CNN, September 2, 2020,

[2]Johnson Oatman, Jr., “I’m Pressing on the Upward Way,” 1898.


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Genesis 21 – 23

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