Topic:  Helping others find God’s grace – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 14 January 2022

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Helping others find God’s grace

January 14, 2022 by Dr. Jack Graham

  • SCRIPTUREMatthew
  • TOPICSForgiveness

And as Jesus reclined at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were reclining with Jesus and his disciples.

–Matthew 9:10

Recently, a group of men from our church were talking about how they came to Christ Jesus. And I especially appreciated the testimony of one of the men. 

He said that six or so years ago his life had hit rock bottom. Heavy drinking caused him to lose his family and his job, and he lost everything. He was devastated.

Also Read:  Open Heaven 14 January 2022  –Topic: LESSONS FROM ELISHA III 

Well, one Sunday morning he drove by our church and decided to stop and come inside. He said, “I was so ashamed of my life and afraid of rejection, that when I came in the church I sat in the back of the balcony… as far away as I could from people.”

But then something happened. When the music started, he felt the presence of Jesus and tears flooded his eyes. The message was on God’s forgiveness, and that’s exactly what he found! The very next week he was singing in the choir, and now he faithfully prays for the people sitting on the back row of the balcony.

We must never forget that we encounter people daily who are lost, hurting, and desperate for God’s forgiveness. Will you be their friend and help them find their way?


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