Topic: Holding God Accountable? [Tony Evans Ministry 10 September 2020] -

Topic: Holding God Accountable? [Tony Evans Ministry 10 September 2020]

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Holding God Accountable?

(Luke 18, Psalms 2)

One of the most important things that we can do as a Christian is to pray in line with our covenantal rights. But we often don’t do this because we misunderstand what prayer is. Let me define prayer by first saying what prayer is not. Prayer is not simply talking to God. Prayer, rather, is asserting earthly permission for heavenly interference. Prayer is earth giving heaven authorization to intervene in the affairs of earth as heaven has previously stated that it would. That permission is granted based on your legal position and rights. That’s why it is essential to study the Word of God and to know the rights that He has granted you through His Word.

If you are being held in bondage by an illegitimate force in your life, cry out to God. Pray to God for deliverance by appealing to Him based on your covenantal rights. There is a legal obligation that God has to respond to you based on the fact that you have a legitimate agreement with Him found in His Word. Go through the Scriptures and read everything that relates to your stronghold and pray it back to God.  When you do that, prayer is no longer just a spiritual exercise or something to check off of your “Christian List of Things To Do.”

Rather, prayer becomes a legal meeting where you and God get together in agreement on the same covenantal arrangement. Prayer becomes an act of holding God accountable, in the right sense of the word, to what He holds Himself accountable: His Word.

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