Topic: HOMESICK – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 29 June 2020]

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June 29, 2020

“But I am hard pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ…” – PHILIPPIANS 1:2300:0001:43

That little word “depart” means “to break camp.” When a Roman legion would make camp, they made elaborate preparations before they would settle down for the night. They marked off a large area where they could build a moat. Then, they constructed a wall that would be from 6-10 feet high. And they would station the troops so they were prepared in case of attack. In the morning, they would move out – and they would leave all of those preparations behind. That is what Paul is saying. He is ready to “break camp” here in this life and go to Heaven. Why? Because he had been given a glimpse of Heaven and knew how wonderful it was. He had touched Heaven itself, so part of him was anxious to return. You have probably heard it said: “If you’re not ready to die, you’re not really ready to live.”

Knowing what God has promised for those who are in His family, we should all live each day with just a bit of homesickness for Heaven.

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