Topic: How can teens build their faith in Jesus? – Christian News 13 October   2022 - -

Topic: How can teens build their faith in Jesus? – Christian News 13 October

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How can teens build their faith in Jesus?

Over the last few decades, it has been reported that the number of young people attending church has been steadily declining. Young Christians need a community of like-minded peers. Without it, a vicious cycle can emerge, with the lack of youth in church leading to more leaving. A strong personal relationship with God can, no doubt, overrule this. However, a lot of us may find that we are only linked to God through our parents’ faith.

I have been a Christian since I was a child, and like many, it was my parents who first became Christians. At my home church we had a Saturday service for youth as well as a Sunday service, but even then, I did not really know much about the gospel, despite being baptised at the age of 10.

I’m now 17, and this year I attended OM’s first TeenStreet UK (TeenStreet) event for a week of teaching, worship, small group time, and other discipleship activities. It is here that I experienced the presence of God for myself in a new, more intimate way for the first time.

Finding time for God

Arriving at TeenStreet, I was really stressed – about work, school, and all the responsibilities I had waiting for me back at home. Between work, school and looking after my brother, I don’t normally have many opportunities to spend time with God, although I still listen to Christian music when I can. More than anything else, spending time with Jesus was what I was looking forward to at TeenStreet.

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Being away from home helped me to get away from the stresses in my life. Without those buzzing thoughts in my head, I was more easily able to focus on God, instead of on my responsibilities at home. Spending a week in a setting that encourages personal discipleship through regular, dedicated alone time with God was fantastic. Various volunteers who were trained to pray for teens were available throughout the week, and I was able to decompress by sharing some of my life story with them.

Praising and worshipping made new

It was during the worship sessions that I really experienced something brand new. The meeting must have been the longest one I’ve ever experienced, which allowed me to really focus on God.

At my home church, we’ll stand, sing a few songs, and then sit. Whilst I have felt God’s presence in this format before, at TeenStreet I experienced Him in a new way, through a new expression. Normally, I wouldn’t close my eyes and my arms would be folded. But coming to this camp – although I felt that familiar fear keeping me from putting my hands out and outwardly expressing my worship – I was able to close my eyes and feel the Holy Spirit. I can only describe it as feeling like light coming out of my heart.

My relationship with church

In recent years, other parts of my life have found a way to prevent me from going to church. I used to attend church services every week, but after I got a part-time job, I wasn’t able to anymore and my relationship with God suffered as a result. It was so helpful to hear the experiences of others who were in my exact situation at TeenStreet.

We had NET groups, which were small Bible study groups, and the coach for my group, Gloria, shared her testimony and talked about how she dealt with distractions. Some of the people in my group were from my home church who I hadn’t seen in a while because of my work. It was great to have the chance to spend time with them and hear their stories.

Looking back, I’d love to get baptised again, because now I’ve come to know God personally and develop my own faith separate from my parents. TeenStreet UK has both massively developed my understanding of God and given me the opportunity to spend more personal time with Him and other Christians my age, whilst also encouraging me to share my faith with others.

My work, school and babysitting my brother are still a huge part of my life, but I cannot prioritise them ahead of my alone time with God. I was reluctant to leave TeenStreet, but we are called to share God’s love, and our place is in the world.


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