Topic:  How Jesus sees you – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 17 January 2022 -

Topic:  How Jesus sees you – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 17 January 2022

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How Jesus sees you

January 17, 2022 by Dr. Jack Graham

  • SCRIPTUREMatthew
  • TOPICSChristian Living

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

–Matthew 16:24

Today, you may be reading this devotional out of habit or perhaps out of a deep need or desire in your heart. Whatever has caused you to read this message, I want to remind you of something Jesus says to you every day of your life: “Follow me.”  

Also Read: Open Heaven 17 January 2022 –Topic: LET THERE BE LIGHT I 

You may remember that Jesus first spoke these words to the disciple Matthew. But Matthew wasn’t a disciple when Jesus invited him to follow him. No! He was a dishonest and despised tax collector.

But when Jesus looked at Matthew, he looked beyond his sin and saw a man he could use! And Matthew laid aside his old life and became a disciple, and as a servant of the Lord eventually wrote the Gospel of Matthew.

Now, when Jesus looks at you, what do you think he sees? I’ll tell you. He sees a person he can use! In spite of the kind of person you may be and regardless of what you’ve done, Jesus is calling you. He’s saying, “Follow me”!

So let go of anything that has hindered you from following Jesus before now. Lay aside selfish desires and ambitions, and pick up your cross and follow your Lord. If you do, you’ll walk into a brand new life, now, and forever more.


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