Topic: How much of you does Jesus have? – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 30 December 2019

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December 30, 2019 by Dr. Jack Graham

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

—Galatians 5:16

One of the most troubling news stories of 2019 has been the attack by the media, the radical left, and “social media influencers” of the Salvation Army.  Despite the incredible selfless, good works the Salvation Army does around the globe, it is being boycotted, protested against, and slandered all because it stands by its doctrine that its members adhere to traditional and Christian standards regarding sexual relationships. Two years ago in London, I had the opportunity to meet with the General of the Salvation Army, and it was a true blessing to hear and see first hand faith at work.

The founder of the Salvation Army was a man by the name of William Booth.  He was a great Christian who shook London with the Gospel of Christ and helped bring many people to faith in the 19th century. He was once asked, “What is the secret of your success in bringing people to faith?” 

He said, “There have been men with greater talent; there have been men with greater education; there have been men with greater opportunity. But as far as I know, God has had all there is of William Booth.” 

Does God have all there is of you? Have you turned from the life of self-promotion and self-focus to a life where you surrender yourself and walk in sync with the Spirit of God? That’s the call on the life of every man or woman who follows Christ – to die to yourself and live to God!

You have a choice to make: to either walk by the Spirit or fulfill the desires of the flesh. You’re going to do either one or the other. Surrender your life to Christ, giving Him the control, allowing Him to determine your steps, and watching as He uses you to shake the world!


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