Topic: How to Be a Shining Light for God [Joyce Meyer Devotional 19 June 2021] -

Topic: How to Be a Shining Light for God [Joyce Meyer Devotional 19 June 2021]

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I have loved you, [just] as the Father has loved Me; abide in My love [continue in his love with Me.]— John 15:9 (AMPC)

I will never forget when Dave decided the beautiful old tree outside our home needed pruning. It had some wild branches and was getting lopsided. I didn’t think much about it when he said he was bringing in professionals to do the job of cutting it back and thinning it out. But I was appalled when I arrived at home and found those saw-happy men had sabotaged my tree. Dave said, “Just wait until next year. It will be beautiful again.” But I don’t like waiting. And I didn’t like looking at the toothpick limbs that had once been lush and full. But Dave was right. The next year, the tree was more beautiful than before, strong enough to withstand powerful winds for many years to come, and more fruitful and productive than ever.

This is a perfect example of the pruning work of the Holy Spirit in our lives— and His pruning results in beauty, strength, and fruitfulness in us. Galatians 5 gives us a list of sins of the flesh and a list of the fruit of the Spirit, and it is important that the flesh is regularly pruned to make room for more and more good fruit. Like my tree, we sometimes get lopsided or out of balance and God must deal with us to straighten us out again. We should be grateful that God cares enough about us to watch over us and help us be the best we can be. Ask God to come through your life with His pruning shears regularly so you can bear richer and more excellent fruit.

Prayer Starter: Thank you, Father, for pruning me in all the right places and for bringing beauty, strength, and fruitfulness. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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