Topic: How to Encourage an Excellent Mother - Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett  13 September 2022 -

Topic: How to Encourage an Excellent Mother – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett  13 September 2022

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How to Encourage an Excellent Mother

Dear Mom:

As I walk through my museum of memories,

Also Read: Open Heaven 13 September  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – THE YOKE IS BROKEN 

  • I owe you…for your TIME. You gave me constantly day and night.
  • I owe you…for your EXAMPLE.  You lived a life that was consistent and dependable.
  • I owe you…for your SUPPORT. You always were there encouraging and challenging.
  • I owe you…for your HUMOR.  It was perfectly quick and lifting the moment.
  • I owe you…for your COUNSEL. It was so wise and quiet.
  • I owe you…for your HUMILITY. You were always genuine and gracious.
  • I owe you…for your HOSPITALITY. Your home and table were smiling and warm.
  • I owe you…for your INSIGHT. Your thoughts were so keen and honest.
  • I owe you…for your FLEXIBILITY. Your life was always patient and joyful.
  • I owe you…for your SACRIFICES. The countless times you gave of yourself that were so quickly forgotten.
  • I owe you…for your FAITH. Your relationship to the Lord was so solid and sure.
  • I owe you…for your HOPE. You always radiated a ceaseless and indestructible confidence.
  • I owe you…for your LOVE. It was so devoted and deep.

So we remember our moms, because there is no more influential or powerful role on earth than a mother’s.  Stay at it, dear lady.  Never doubt the value of your calling.  Without your positive supportive partnership, the family simply could not survive. But beyond all that, what is the spiritual side to this day? Does God’s Word speak to the role of motherhood?

How Can I Love My Mother?

How can we really love our mothers? Just a few action items to do on the way home today:

  • Let them make mistakes (Mary at the wedding in Cana; John 2:1-4) Moms aren’t perfect, just about though. They fail like we all do. But God is only concerned about two things: your response to His Word and how you finish up. Mary responded wonderfully to God’s Word in Luke 1:38. Mary stayed with the Lord to the end Acts 1:14, and church history confirm that.
  • Let them work through their grief (Mary sword pierce soul; Luke 2:34-35 Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, 35 so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” (NIV)
  • Part of life is pain. Part of motherhood is being so knit to your children their lives pierce your like a sword.
  • Things never turn out like we think at first they will. Sometimes they get better, sometimes they worsen. We need to live in the refreshing and liberating reality of God’s Word.
  • Let’s start with the facts. There was no perfect family mentioned in the Bible. Not Mary and Joseph’s. No, their boys wanted Jesus done in. Yes, when the heat was on and the leaders were plotting against His life, those brothers sent Him into the fire! John 7:1-5   
  • Let’s stop expectations of perfection. If  all your children follow the Lord you are blessed. If all do not, God understands. He has seen it in the lives of all His children from Eden onward.
  • Let them live on in our words  (Mary Luke 1; tell about them) That is what God does! Look at the Bible. The wonders of Mary, the devotion of Hannah, the care of Jocobed Moses’ mom, all remain. Every time I hear about Monica mother of Augustine, or Susanna Wesley mother of John and Charles, and you who faithfully love your children, pray for them and teach them about the Lord  . . . the influence of a distant life is touching mine today.
  • Let them know how they touched our lives Proverbs 31:28 “Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.”


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