Topic: How to Give God Your Attention [RICK WARREN Devotional 15 September 2021]

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How to Give God Your Attention


“My eyes are always looking to the LORD for help. He will keep me from any traps.”

Psalm 25:15 (NCV)When you were in junior high school, was there someone you thought about all the time who was totally oblivious to you? It’s hard to imagine that someone who occupied so much of your thoughts could hold no space for you in their own mind. But it’s happened to most of us at some point, and it can be a painful experience.

Imagine how God must feel when he can’t get your attention. The Bible says he’s constantly thinking about you. It must hurt him when you don’t give him space in your thoughts throughout the day.

God wants your attention! But how do you give it to him? One way is this: When you pray about something over and over, you give him your attention.

One of the reasons God had particular affection for King David is because David gave God his attention all the time. David said, “My eyes are always looking to the LORD for help. He will keep me from any traps” (Psalm 25:15 NCV). That means David was persistent in prayer.

Like King David, you face unexpected traps every day. God is the only one who knows them in advance, and persistent prayer is the best way to steer clear of them.

When you’re going up a mountain road, it’s always helpful to be able to anticipate what’s ahead. But if you’re stuck behind a slow truck and can’t see around the curve ahead, the trip is frustrating. At that moment, how helpful would a helicopter be to give you the “all clear” to pass?

God is like that helicopter. He can see what you can’t see. He can see the traps you’re going to have this week, this month, and this year. If you will give him your attention and focus, he’ll go ahead of you and show you how to avoid all of the traps.

The Bible says, “Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!” (Psalm 105:4 ESV). How often should you seek God? Continually. Prayer is not something to be checked off a list. It is an ongoing conversation.

Be persistent in your prayer. Keep seeking God for his direction and help. Don’t stop talking to him! He loves your attention, and he is ready and waiting to answer your prayers.

  • We tend to be most persistent in our prayers when we are in deep pain. Why do you think this is so?
  • How is it possible to seek God continually? What is a practical way you can do this?
  • What are you anxious about? How does the act of prayer help give you peace over that situation?

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