Topic: How to overcome life’s toughest challenges – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 23 April 2020 -

Topic: How to overcome life’s toughest challenges – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 23 April 2020

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How to overcome life’s toughest challenges

April 23, 2020 by Dr. Jack Graham

  • TOPICSuffering

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

—Psalm 46:1

Dave Dravecky, the all-star baseball pitcher for the San Francisco Giants and a strong man of faith, felt a lump in his pitching arm one day. He had a tumor. So the doctors went in, took it out, and found it was cancerous. They ended up removing 50 percent of the muscle in his pitching arm. It seemed like his career was over.

But Dave rehabbed that arm and was able to come back to pitch again. The day he got his first win about a year later was an awesome moment, but Dave Dravecky gave God the glory. But when his turn in the rotation came to pitch the next time, he threw a fastball and the bone in his arm snapped.

Dravecky reported that it felt like someone cutting his arm off with a hatchet. He collapsed to the ground and was carried off the field. And though he tried to rehabilitate the arm one more time, it was impossible. Eventually, Dave’s left arm and shoulder had to be amputated.

In his biography, Dravecky wrote these words: “Nobody ever promised that life would be fair. Everybody is going to have adversity. The only way to handle it is to take our eyes off our circumstance and put them on the Lord.”

No matter what challenges you face in life, focus on the Lord instead of your circumstances. When you do, He’s promised to give you peace that surpasses all understanding!


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