Topic: “HUSBANDS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 19 January 2021

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Read : Ephesians 5:22-33

Likewise ye husbands…giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel …”  – 1 Peter 3:7

The word “husband” comes from some Anglo-Saxon words, which mean “house band”. This implies a strip of metal (or rope) used to bind the house together. A husband therefore binds the home together in terms of its organisation and control.

He is the head of the family (1 Corinthians 11:3). As head of the family, he is to exercise authority in bringing up the children. He must show leadership by providing direction and guidance. Again, he ought to show responsibility in decisionmaking. He should not shirk it, so that he can blame another when things backfire. The man must rule his home spiritually, financially and socially. The man is held responsible for anything that goes wrong in the home, e.g. divorce, rebellious children, unhappy wife etc. When Adam and Eve sinned against God and He entered the garden, He first called Adam and asked, “Where are you?”

A husband ought to love his wife. He should give himself to her sacrificially, present her back to himself; nourish, and cherish her (with the Word of God and physical things). It is for his own good to nourish, cherish and beautify his wife. In that way, the man is presenting the woman back to himself. He should let her feel loved, wanted and accepted – make her feel happy at home (Ecclesiastes 9:9). He should also protect her, seeing she is a weaker vessel.

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