Topic: I NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH – – October 2019

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Dearly beloved, those who know the truth don’t just wake up from their sleep and find they have knowledge of the truth. It really take time or patience to learn before you know, it was through learning, studying, and searching those who know the truth about one thing or another know the truth. Not until many people develop holy curiosity of inquiry, they will never know the truth, though they may have been in Church for many years, but they will still not know the truth. Of such people who have been learning or have been in Church for many years but still don’t know the truth, the scripture said this of them, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”—-2Timothy 3:7. People are in Church for many reasons that doesn’t glorify God, and no matter the years they have spent in Church, still they don’t know anything about the truth. It is because knowing the truth was never their motives of going to Church and that is why they never develop any curiosity to know the truth in spite of all that they have heard. I need to know should be your song if you know that you know not the truth. Those who know not the truth and they know that they know not the truth, they will see the necessity that they need to know the truth, but those who think that they know and know not that they do not know the truth, will never see the necessity that they need to know. This is the situation that many of the Pharisees were in, in the days of Jesus Christ on earth.

They thought or assumed they know the truth having study or learn the law of the carnal commandment, but spiritually, they were blind to the truth about the law they knew in the flesh and this was a great hindrance why they never come to the knowledge of the truth in spite of their academic knowledge (See John 5:39-47). You need to know the truth and for that to be you must develop a holy curiosity from what you are hearing from the Word of God. Holy curiosity makes the difference between all those who are hearing the Word of God. Some hear and ignored it, even harden their hearts, some have no delights in it, and others want to know more of it. That is what makes the difference why many Christians have not the knowledge of the truth, but few have it because they have holy curiosity of inquiry or enquiry. I need to know the truth is saying you need to develop a holy curiosity to know the truth. For John the Baptist to say, “Behold the Lamb of God”, when he saw Jesus Christ walking, it spark a curiosity in the hearts of those who heard him, and they became curious to know Jesus Christ who they have heard will come and who the scripture has written many things about. They curiously followed Jesus Christ even inviting others to know the Messiah (See John 1:35-46). There are things you need to know about the truth, even most of these things are common to mankind. In practical and theory we all have experience them in one way or another, they are the realities of the truth. The truth is strange in one way or another to many of us, and this is why you need to know the truth.

  1. The truth knew all men (See John 2:24; Job 34:21-22): Dearly beloved, many of us are ignorant of the truth that knows every content of our hearts, even the hidden things in our hearts no man can ever know about us and what we have done even till our death. The truth know what we are capable of and not and many of us have learned this truth when the light of God dawn upon us in certain ways, and we could see then that we are ten thousand times worse than our preconceived notions about our thoughts, ways, even ourselves. The truth knew all men (See John 2:24) because He is a discerner of the thoughts and intent of our hearts (See Hebrews 4:12).
  2. The truth will never please any man (See John 4:34; 5:30; 6:38): Why? God was not created for us or for our pleasures, but we were created for His pleasure (See Revelation 4:11). The truth seek only the will of God alone not the pleasure of men. You are expecting to hear prophetic declaration from a preacher because it is what thrills people and get them excited, and what they like to hear than any other message. But when you start hearing the preacher preaching about repentance from hidden and open sin, stating that if you die in your sins, you will go to Hell fire, and you know that you are full of sins, you will certainly be provoked to hear such message but such message is what the Lord God will always want sinners to hear and those still swimming and living in sin both Christians and non-Christians. Doing what God want, is God’s will and it pleases God not men, because the truth has no regard for the personality of any man (See Romans 2:11). And in hearing the truth those living in sins are certainly disappointed whenever the truth condemns sins and their hypocrisy in personalities.
  3. The truth cannot be influenced (See John 8:46): Dearly beloved, People can be influenced not to speak the truth, to sin, or err and whore, but the truth Himself cannot be influenced by any man, by money, and other things. Jesus Christ the truth asked, “Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?”—John 8:46. No matter how close you think you are to God, but one thing is sure you can’t influence God to call light darkness or darkness light to please you. You can’t influence the truth not to be revealed no matter how hard you tried you will fail. King Zedekiah and all the false prophets of Judah and Jerusalem couldn’t influence prophet Jeremiah not to speak the truth. They resorted to persecuting him to compromise speaking the truth, yet he never changed and they couldn’t influence the truth in him. The fiery furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon couldn’t influence Shedrach, Meshach, and Abednego to bow to golden image (See Jeremiah 37; 38; Daniel 3). Your title or personality cannot influence the truth in the hearts and mouths of those born by the truth. The truth is the greatest influence and cannot be influence by any man or things because all things are under His influence (See Colossians 1:16-17) and He is the Most High of all things.
  4. The truth is sometimes hard to believe (See John 6:51-61): Dearly beloved, Many people fear and hate the truth for many reasons, but most of all is because of the revealing and slaying power of the truth. I said it before the truth is strange to us in different ways. There is darkness (ignorance) in every man no matter how educated we think we are there is still darkness in us. Many are educated but ignorant of themselves and of God, and it will be hard for them to believe certain things revealed about them by God. Why? Because they thought they know it all about themselves but they never know they actually don’t know anything about themselves which only their maker knows. So when their darkness about them is reveal and slay, they will be mystified. The truth is hard for many to believe because they cannot comprehend Him (See John 1:5). And He is also strange to them by revealing to them what they have not heard and seen. After Jesus Christ declared He is the bread of life which we must eat to have eternal life, the Jews murmured, Jesus Christ said, except they eat His flesh and drink His blood that they don’t have life. This message has never been preached by any prophet of Israel, so it was strange for them to comprehend, to believe, and accept it, but it was and is the truth. The scripture said, “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”—1Corinthians 2:14. Jesus Christ was speaking from the spirit but His hearers were of the flesh and His message was hard for them to comprehend even as it would have been to this present generation.

There are many basic things about God which many Christians do not know, and whenever you tell them this truth, it will be strange to them and they will not believe. Example, many Christians don’t believe God is Omnipresent, some don’t believe He sees and knows every beat of their hearts. If they know this truth, they will stop every secret sins or evils works of the thoughts of their hearts and works. There are many Churches and Christians who do not believe there is Hell fire even when such thing is so commonly talked about in the Bible, but still it is still strange to them and some of them are saying, how can a merciful God send people to Hell Fire? Even with scripture verses such as Mark 9:44, 46, 48; Matthew 10:28; Luke 16:19-31, they still don’t believe the truth of the reality of such existing world for all those who rebelled against God. John the Baptist said of Jesus Christ the truth, “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”—John 1:5. It doesn’t baffles me why the Jews even the straightest sect (the Pharisees, the learned) could not comprehend the truth. It is because it is written “the darkness comprehended it not,” that is, can’t understand the light or the truth. And the Jews later said, “How can this man give us His flesh to eat?” Apostle Paul said in 1Corinthians 2:14, “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

Jesus Christ proved to us through His doctrine that Levitical priesthood and its laws and works were of the flesh, and that is why He took it out from our ways (See Colossians 2:14-15). The truth is something beyond the comprehension of those born of the flesh Jesus Christ said in Mark 4:11, “Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables.” Some knowledge about ourselves even scares some of us and is strange to us and is hard for us to believe. Even the Disciples of Jesus Christ find the truth difficult to believe, but they later understand what they initially called “hard saying”, they later takes pleasures in eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Jesus Christ, that is, after they have received the Holy Ghost, taking communion becomes their Joy. But it was hard to initially believe because many of them were still in the flesh and this is what the scripture said of them, “Many therefore of his Disciples when they heard this (the truth), said this is a hard saying: who can hear it?” John 6:60. The scripture said, when Jesus Christ knew they were murmuring at His Word, he asked them, “Doth this (the truth) offend you?”—–John 6:60-61. Whatever is from God that is hard for you to believe is the truth, it also proved you are carnal not spiritual. I said it before that even many Christians doesn’t believe Hell fire does exist, in spite of the biblical evidences that proved its existence, still they can’t believe it, but it is the truth. The truth is bigger than all our knowledge put together, this makes it hard for the natural man to receive, believe, and accept it. John 6:51, 53-58, is foolishness in the eyes of any natural man.

It is written, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” To know the truth is one thing, to accept the truth is another thing, to live, move, and have our being in the truth is another thing; the salvation of your soul from God’s wrath eternally can only be author by the truth you know, live, and have your being in Him. Give your life to Jesus Christ to RECEIVE HIS OWN. Don’t forget to repent and forsake your secret sins, worldly love and lusts. Share with your friends. Shalom!

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