Topic: I Wish I Wouldn’t Have… [Joyce Meyer Devotional 11 OCTOBER 2020]

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Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old.— Isaiah 43:18 (AMPC)

This morning I thought, I wish I wouldn’t have done that yesterday! Immediately, the Lord lovingly corrected me, reminding me that looking back at something I cannot change is energy-draining and only produces stress. The only thing we can do about the past is learn from it.

I don’t mean to say that we shouldn’t be sorry for the things we do wrong or the mistakes we make that hurt people, but it’s very important to deal with them and then move on quickly. Regret is self-defeating—it does nothing to change the past, but it does steal today’s energy!

Pray about the things you’re sorry for and ask God to redeem your mistakes by working something good out of them, but refuse to live with regret. Peter made a big mistake by denying Jesus at a crucial time, but after he wept bitterly about it (see Luke 22:62), it was never mentioned in the New Testament again. Peter was sorry, but he received Jesus’ forgiveness and moved forward with the Holy Spirit’s help. I urge you to make that same choice anytime you’re tempted to get stuck in the regrets of yesterday.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You that I don’t have to live in the past or stay stuck in regret anymore. Help me fully embrace the forgiveness and future You have for me. Thank You! In Jesus’ name, amen.

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