Topic: If You Want to Be Transformed – Daily Devotional by Greg Laurie Ministry 17 March 2021

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If You Want to Be Transformed . . .

by Greg Laurie on Mar 17, 2021 The instructions of the LORD are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. —Psalm 19:7Scripture:Psalm 19:7

If you don’t want God to transform your life, then don’t read the Bible.

David wrote, “The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple” (Psalm 19:7 NLT).

When you read God’s Word, it revives you. It restores you. And it transforms you.

Now, if you have it all worked out, then I guess you don’t need the Bible. But of course, you’re also delusional, because all of us need the Word of God. The Bible is the user’s manual that we’ve been looking for. Someone has pointed out that the word Bible is an acronym for “basic instructions before leaving Earth.”

The Bible is for people who have a sense of desperation about where they are in life. It’s for people who don’t know the purpose of life and want to know what that purpose should be. The Bible is for people who aren’t really sure where they came from, and they’re not really sure where they’re going.

In addition, the Bible is for people who want to change. It’s is for people who wish they could control their passions, who don’t want to be mere victims of their circumstances, and who wish there wasn’t so much pain in life. The Bible is for people who want better relationships with others.

Yet some people say things like this: “Well, I tried the whole Christianity thing, and it didn’t work for me.” If it didn’t work for them, then that isn’t on Jesus; that’s on them. Jesus Christ will change any person who comes to Him.

If you want to be a growing Christian, then you need to spend time in God’s Word because it will transforms you. So read, love, study, and memorize the Word of God.

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