Topic: Imitation – The Limitation Of Destiny [Seeds of Destiny 9 October 2019 Devotional]

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Imitation is the foundation for limitation; to be the best, you must be yourself.

SCRIPTURE: Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen God. – 3 John 1:11

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Imitation is the foundation for limitation; to be the best, you must be yourself.

Imitation is the copying of a pattern of activity or thought of a person.

From our anchor Scripture above, it is clear that there is an imitation that is good, void of offence and free of competitive jealousy. On the contrary, there is an imitation that is bad. This type of imitation tries to outdo, undo and outshine others. It is potent with competitive jealousy and strife.

Also Read: Open Heaven 9 October 2019 – Don’t Bury Them Yet!

The truth is, imitation is the foundation for limitation; the struggle to be like somebody is the reason for nobodies. Nothing brings out the best in you like being yourself. To be the best, you must be yourself; to be yourself is to beat the rest.

Beloved, the fact that your neighbour is flourishing in kerosene business or real estate business does not mean God destined you to do same. That your neighbour relocated abroad and he is now doing well does not mean your destiny is to live abroad. Most people run to America thinking that once they get there, all their problems would be over. On the contrary, the problems of some of them even worsened.

The truth is, help is not abroad; help is above. Your allocation is not necessarily abroad; your allocation is connected to where God wants you to be per time. If God did not send you to Germany and you relocate there, you must jam needs there. If God did not send you to England and you relocate there, you won’t be glad there. And if God didn’t send you to Russia and you go there, you must rush back.

My counsel is, locate your God-ordained spot and remain there. You shall make it, in Jesus’ Name.

REMEMBER THIS: Imitation is the foundation for limitation; to be the best, you must be yourself.


  1. Determine to be who God plans for you to be.
  2. You can humbly follow the good examples of others but never follow anybody in the wrong direction no matter who they are.
  3. Desire and strive to be like Jesus Christ ultimately.

PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for Your Word to me today. Deliver me from the lifestyle of imitation and the struggle to be like everyone. Help me to be myself and to be the best in life Lord, in Jesus’ Name

QUOTE: Imitation is the foundation for limitation; to follow the crowd is to be lost in the crowd. Culled from 365 Wisdom Capsule by Dr Paul Enenche

AMAZING FACT: A Rhino’s horn is not attached to its skull; it is compacted mass of hairs that continue to grow throughout the animal’s lifetime.

TODAY IN HISTORY:9/10/1824 Slavery is abolished in Costa Rica

DAILY READING: Jer. 12: 1to 14: 10, 1Thes 1: to 2:8, Ps. 79:1 to 13, Prov. 24:30 to 34


PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The grace to be who God ordained for you to be in life is released upon you now in Jesus’ Name

DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: This Friday’s Worship, Word and Wonders Night by 9:30pm. THEME- Free Indeed (Freedom from foundational and ancestral curses) at the Glory Dome, The Lord’s Garden, Airport Road Abuja, Nigeria.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities

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