Topic: “IMMANUEL” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 16 August 2020

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READ: John 14:16-23

Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”  – John 14:23

Obeying the voice of God releases the blessing of the presence of God. Perhaps, this is the greatest blessing of obedience – the presence of God. Indeed, great blessings are promised to the disciples who obey the voice of Jesus.

As you watch and listen to different preachers, you will notice a difference in doctrine. But you will also realise a difference in the extent to which they have the presence of God. Watch out for it and you will surely notice it if you are sensitive to the Spirit.

Jesus said: “We will come to him and make our abode with him!” This is a description of God’s presence being manifest with the disciples. God is everywhere. We know He is omnipotent. So when Jesus says, “we will come to him and make our abode with Him” He speaks of a greater presence of the Father and of the Son. Jesus promises to come and dwell in you and with you if you obey Him: this is the promise of the presence of God.

There is a presence and an aura around people who are obeying God. This presence and this aura is not found around people who are not obeying God’s voice. People may preach the Word of God and have good doctrines but there is a certain presence of God that needs to be there! Do you not want to have the presence of God in your life and ministry? Learn to obey the voice of God even if it doesn’t make sense. Obey Him because obeying Him brings the presence of God into what you are doing!

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