Topic: In His Image [Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 August 2020] -

Topic: In His Image [Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 August 2020]

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And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.— Philippians 1:6 (AMPC)

God’s Word says that He is the Potter, and we are the clay (see Romans 9:20– 21 NIV). When we first come to the Lord, we’re like a hard lump of clay that’s not very pliable or easy to work with. But God puts us on His potter’s wheel, and little by little, He begins to refashion and remake us so we can discover and fulfill the beautiful purpose He has for our lives.

Sometimes that process of remolding is uncomfortable, because God has to peel away the things in our lives that keep us distant from Him. So out of His love for us, He keeps working and working on us, trimming away this bad attitude and that wrong mindset, carefully reshaping us gradually so we come to reflect the image of His Son Jesus more and more.

Don’t be discouraged with yourself because you haven’t arrived yet. The more God works in your life, the closer you grow to Him, and the better you’re able to reflect Him. Enjoy your life each day, even while God is shaping you. Let the Potter do His work, trust that He has the best plan in store for you, and embrace the day you’ve been given.

Prayer Starter:Father, please continue to make me more like You. Thank You for patiently reshaping me little by little, and for giving me the grace I need to grow. In Jesus’ Name, amen

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