Topic: In Need of Rescue – Our Daily Bread  7 June 2020

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In Need of Rescue

Bible in a Year:2 Chronicles 28–29John 17

A Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.Luke 10:33

SHAREToday’s Scripture & Insight:Luke 10:30–37

A teenager named Aldi was working alone on a fishing hut anchored about 125 kilometers (about 78 miles) off Indonesia’s Sulawesi Island when heavy winds knocked the hut off its mooring and sent it out to sea. For forty-nine days, Aldi drifted in the ocean. Every time he spotted a ship, he turned on his lamp to try and get the sailors’ attention, only to be disappointed. About ten ships passed the malnourished teen before he was rescued.

Jesus told a parable to an “expert in the law” (Luke 10:25) about someone who needed to be rescued. Two men—a priest and a Levite—saw an injured man as they were traveling. But rather than help him, both “passed by on the other side” (vv. 31–32). We aren’t told why. Both were religious men and would have been familiar with God’s law to love their neighbor (Leviticus 19:17–18). They may have thought it was too dangerous. Or perhaps they didn’t want to break Jewish laws about touching dead bodies, making them ceremonially unclean and unable to serve in the temple. In contrast, a Samaritan—who was despised by the Jews—acted nobly. He saw the man in need and selflessly took care of him.

Jesus wrapped up His teaching with the command that His followers should “go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37). May God give us the willingness to risk reaching out in love to help others.

By:  Poh Fang Chia

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Reflect & Pray

Who has Jesus put in your path that needs your help? How can you put your love into action today?

God, open my eyes to the needs around me and give me Your heart of compassion for others.

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