Topic: In the Furnace [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 3 September 2021]

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In the Furnace

Sep 03, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Isaiah 48:10, NKJVBehold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.

Today’s Word

As a young man, Moses knew he was supposed to deliver God’s people from their slavery in Egypt. He had the dream, but he got out of God’s timing, tried to do it on his own, and killed a man. He had to run for his life, then he spent the next forty years on the back side of the desert. It looked as though that one mistake ruined his destiny. But God never writes you off. Moses was in the furnace of affliction, being refined. When he was eighty years old, the Scripture says, “Moses was the most humble, gentle man on the face of the earth.” God was saying, “Moses, I haven’t forgotten about you. You may not have liked the difficulties, you may have been uncomfortable, but now you’re prepared for the fullness of your destiny.” Moses went on to bring the Israelites out of four hundred years of slavery and lead them to the Promised Land. It would never have happened without the refining fire.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for the dreams You put in my heart and for the steps and process You will work to bring them to pass in my life. Thank You that You don’t leave me on my own, but You refine me and work in me. I look forward to being brought into the fullness of my destiny. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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