Topic: Inner Strength [David Jeremiah Ministry 25 NOVEMBER 2019 | Turning Point Ministries]

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NOVEMBER 25, 2019

Strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man.
Ephesians 3:16

 Recommended Reading: Ephesians 3:14-21

Are you tired of your cell phone dying? Researchers are working on a generation of wearable technology that could convert your body’s movements into energy for powering your personal devices. You produce a lot of energy when your feet rise and fall and strike the pavement. With the right technology embedded in your shoes, for example, this energy could be harnessed to power your phone.

Who knows whether this technology will work, but the spiritual application is true. The energy you need for living is already inside you. It’s the indwelling Holy Spirit. When you receive Jesus as your Savior, He sends His Spirit to occupy your body and soul. That’s the power of omnipotence. That’s the energy of God. We receive power for the Christian walk—and for the Christian work—by means of the fullness of the Spirit. We should pray daily for strength and might through the Spirit in our inner being.

When trouble comes, we discover afresh the inner strengthening of the Holy Spirit’s presence. He gives us the power to walk in victory. So walk in the Spirit. Keep in step with Him and let His power give you the strength you need today.

God and the Holy Spirit are able to do far more than most believers ever conceive.
John MacArthur


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Romans 4 – 7

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