Topic: “INSIGHT” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 28 November 2020

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READ: Ephesians 5:13-17

Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is” – Ephesians 5:17

You must redeem the time because it shows that you understand the will of God.

If you got locked in the large freezer I spoke about above, what would you do? What you do will show the depth of understanding that you have. Moving around would mean that you understand that your very life is at stake. Refusing to sit down at all would reveal that you understand that within moments you could lose your life. Jumping around, in spite of how tired you are, would reveal that you understand the desperation of your situation.

It is quite clear that most Christians do not really understand what is at stake. The lukewarm half hearted approach to things of eternal value reveals that they have no sense of danger. It is clear that most Christians do not think that there is much at stake.

Desiring to be like the frozen fish in the freezer reveals the presence of an immature mind incapable of grasping the gravity of the situation. Indeed, Christians who spend their lives redeeming the time reveal that they are mature and truly understand why God wants us to be active, fruit-bearing, zealous and radical Christians.

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