Topic: Instead of Worry, Remember What God Has Done [RICK WARREN Devotional 13 March 2020] -

Topic: Instead of Worry, Remember What God Has Done [RICK WARREN Devotional 13 March 2020]

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“With God everything is possible.”

(Matthew 19:26 NLT)When you’re facing tough times, worry is a natural human response. But, instead of worrying, God wants you to worship. One way you can worship God is by believing who he is and what he can do.

In the book of 2 Chronicles, King Jehoshaphat and Israel found themselves in a tough spot. Three enemy nations were on their way to make war against them.

Though he was afraid, the king’s first response was to gather his people to pray. He stood before the whole nation and prayed aloud. His prayer is a great model to show you how to pray when you feel stressed out and overwhelmed.

First, when you pray during a stressful time, remind yourself of who God is. Focus on his strength, character, and power. God can handle anything, including whatever you’re facing right now.

In Matthew 19:26, Jesus says, “With God everything is possible” (NLT).

King Jehoshaphat knew this is true. He reminded himself of it as he prayed, “Are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you” (2 Chronicles 20:6 NIV).

The king’s enemy was coming against him. But he chose to take his eyes off the problem and instead put his eyes on God’s strength and power. He reminded himself of who God is.

After you remember who God is, remind yourself of what he has done. Remember when God has helped other people and when he has helped you. Recalling those things will give you confidence that God will handle whatever you are facing.

When King Jehoshaphat prays, “Did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel?” (2 Chronicles 20:7 NIV), he’s remembering when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land.

Jehoshaphat reminded himself of when God had helped Israel drive out enemies before. That gave him confidence that God will do it again.

What are you worrying about today? Instead of worrying, spend some time in prayer, remembering who God is and what he has done. Believe he can handle whatever you’re facing.

  • How can you learn more about who God is and what he has done?
  • Make a list, either in your head or on paper, of God’s character and what he has done.
  • What are you worrying about today? How does your list help you believe that God can handle your worries?

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