Topic:  IT BOILS DOWN TO PRAYER – By Dr. Jeff Schreve  – From His Heart 13 November 2021 

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“Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart…”
Luke 18:1

A woman was talking to her friend about a serious family problem. She said, “There is nothing left for us to do but pray.” Her friend replied with great alarm, “Oh no! Has it come to that!?”

Tragically, for many of us, prayer has become a last resort instead of a first priority. We can get so wrapped up in distractions and lesser things that we fail to see how tremendously vital prayer is to our Christian lives. As Adrian Rogers once said, “The devil laughs at our plans, he mocks at our schemes, but he fears our prayers.” Why is that? It is because God answers prayer. Furthermore, God purposely limits His work in our lives if we don’t pray. James 4:2 says, “You do not have because you do not ask.”

Also Read: Open Heaven 13 November 2021 –Topic: HELP FROM ABOVE 

Prayer is so powerful. Prayer links our nothingness with God’s omnipotence. Prayer can do anything that God can do … and God can do anything! When we pray—I mean really pray with focus, earnestness and even fasting—God begins to work. He changes us on the inside. He changes our outlook and attitude. And He begins to change our situation.


I want to challenge you to commit yourself to prayer like never before. In these spiritually dark days in which we live, prayer is becoming even more vital. Blinded eyes and hardened hearts are not opened through arguments. They are opened through prayer.

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