Topic: IT IS TIME FOR WHAT YOU CARRY TO MANIFEST  – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 30 June 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” Romans 8:18-19 KJV

God is not a respecter of persons. So, who told you that the intention of God is for us to have only Bill Gates. Don’t cancel out yourself. The world is earnestly waiting for your manifestation.
I believe that within this nation, are people also who can manufacture their computer and name it Abeokuta computer. You don’t have to name it in the English language. After all, the Japanese will name it what they want and we call it that name whether you like them or not.  If this is the time for Africa, then it is time for us to begin to understand that we have something that the world is waiting for and we must not be afraid to let the world know. Do you know that great things are happening to the economy of Africa? Forget about what is happening in Nigeria. The fastest-growing economies in the world today are African countries. Even looking at Nigeria, you know that with all the killing and fighting, our economy is still robust, even with all the stealing. Angola recently decided to write off the debts of Portugal, their former colonial masters. They said that they did not want to see their former colonial masters go under.

We must take advantage of what God is doing because it is our time now. The focus is now on this continent and Nigeria is very strategic. When I look at the terrible conditions of our country and the poor state of our infrastructures and yet all eyes are here that means they are looking beyond what we are seeing. They are looking at what potentials we have and where we are going.

Have you explored this West African sub-region and the business opportunities? Have you taken a trip to some of the countries in the sub-region? It does not cost much if you go by road. Do some market survey and find out what you can do. There is so much that I can tell you concerning the investments opportunities that we have. Most of the African countries are backward and they need to be challenged. They need what is inside them to be pulled out so that they can begin to actualise God’s divine purpose.

Further Reading. Psalm 92:1-15, Proverbs 10:4,22
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Job 17-19; Evening- Acts 10:1-23

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