Topic: It Takes a Team [Joyce Meyer Devotional 28 November 2019]

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Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!— Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

View Previous DevotionalNOVEMBER 28, 2019

In 1867, John Roebling had a vision and a passion to do something experts said couldn’t be done: build a bridge from Manhattan to Brooklyn, in New York City. No one believed it could be done, but Roebling and his son Washington, a young engineer, persevered. 

The Roeblings hired their crew and finally got to work on John’s dream. Only a few months into the project, a worksite accident took John’s life. But the project continued, with Washington as its leader. 

Three years later, Washington was severely injured. He was unable to talk, walk, or even move most of his body. But his mind was sharp, and his dream of building the bridge still burned in his heart.

Washington had two things in his favor: one finger that still worked and a wife who loved him. Roebling and his wife figured out a communication system in which he tapped on her arm. For 11 years, Washington tapped out messages and instructions for the bridge, until it was finally complete. 

Washington Roebling needed a dependable team of people to achieve his dream. He needed his father, his crew, and his wife. We need other people too; we can love, support, help, and encourage them, and they can do the same for us. 

Prayer Starter: Father, help me to never underestimate the value of the people You put in my life. Allow me to see who I need to help…and also who I should allow to help me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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