Topic: It’s Already on the Way [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 2 July 2021]

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It’s Already on the Way

Jul 02, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Acts 12:15, NIV”You’re out of your mind,” they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, “It must be his angel.”

Today’s Word

In Acts 12, the church had been praying late into the night for Peter’s release from prison, but when he miraculously showed up and knocked on the house church door, they couldn’t believe it because it happened sooner than expected. The whole time, Peter was standing outside knocking and knocking and thinking, “Let me in! I’m the answer to your prayers.”

Some of the things you’ve been praying about and think will take years and years, God is going to deliver suddenly, unexpectedly, quicker than you thought. While you’re praying for your healing, healing is already en route. You’re praying for the breakthrough, and the angel has already loosed the chains. You’re praying for the child who’s off course. God has already set the miracle into motion. You’re going to hear a knock on your door sooner than expected. Now, don’t talk yourself out of it. Psalm 56:9 says the moment you prayed, the tide of the battle began to turn, and your miracle is about to come knocking at your door.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You supernaturally make things happen that I don’t deserve. Thank You that favor is chasing me down with unexpected deliveries that will amaze me. I will keep praying and honoring You, knowing the miracle has been set into motion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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