Topic: It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again [Joyce Meyer Devotional 30 June 2021]

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Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing…— Isaiah 43:18–19 (ESV)

One of the devil’s favorite lies is to tell us that it is too late for us, too many bad things have happened, and no matter what we do, we will never get over it. However, the devil is a liar! When we have thoughts like that, it certainly isn’t God putting them in our minds because in Him we can always have hope, an expectation that good is going to happen to us.

Perhaps you tried to begin again and went to a few counseling sessions or went to church with a friend for a couple of months and just gave up because you didn’t see any change. If so, don’t let that be a reason to think you can’t begin again and again and again. God never runs out of fresh starts for His people.

The apostle Paul said that he was determined to let go of what was behind and press toward the goals that God had in mind for him (Phil. 3:13–14). I think Paul did that daily and we should have the same attitude that he did. Each morning is a new day and new chance to start over. When it got dark last night, God pulled down the shades on all our mistakes for that day, and today we begin again!

You may have had false starts at emotional healing, but you are not a failure until you quit trying. God is on your side. He is for you, not against you! I am encouraging you to never give up. No matter how difficult or how slow your healing seems, I urge you to believe that God is still working.

Anyone who has built a successful business or ministry, or life has felt like giving up thousands of times, but the difference between them and those who failed is that they felt like giving up, but they didn’t, while the others felt like giving up and they did.

Everything you have already gone through has taught you some lessons and given you some experience, and it won’t be wasted. So even if you did give up for a while, instead of wasting more time feeling guilty, just thank God that you can begin again right where you left off. I wasted a huge amount of time in my life feeling guilty and like a failure, but I hope to help you not make the same mistakes I did. Shake off the guilt and remember that God loves you unconditionally, and His plans for you are always good. When babies are learning to walk, they fall down many times and usually sit and cry for a short while, but then they get up and try again. Eventually they learn to walk, and you will, too.

Prayer Starter: Father God, help me forget what is behind and press toward the amazing future I know You have for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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