Topic: Jesus Doesn’t Have Favorites – Daily Devotional by Proverbs 31 Ministries 10 January 2022 -

Topic: Jesus Doesn’t Have Favorites – Daily Devotional by Proverbs 31 Ministries 10 January 2022

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Jesus Doesn’t Have Favorites

JANUARY 10, 2022

“My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.” James 2:1 (ESV)

Partiality: It’s little spoken about, but we know how it feels, and when we stop to think about it, we know how corrosive it is.

I have experienced partiality — an unfair bias against someone — in one way or another all of my life. As a kid, I remember being left out from birthday parties. I remember overhearing girls talking about how annoyed they were with me because of my generally joyful attitude. And I have had to experience all my life what it feels like to be excluded simply because I am a Black woman.

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We can feel a sense of shame, wondering, Is there something wrong with me? We all know the answer, but when we are hurt, our assurance can become clouded by our false thoughts.

If your heart is hurting today from partiality, I want to say I’m genuinely sorry for the pain favoritism has caused you. But please know that, even if there are people in your life who play favorites against you, Jesus never will.

While I know how it feels to be on the wrong side of this kind of favoritism, I know I’m not immune from displaying it, too. It’s so natural to do. All of us will naturally play favorites, preferring those who are like us, or who can do something for us, over those who are not like us or who we perceive have less to offer. Our children and the children around us fight the same temptation to play favorites.

Thankfully, Jesus shows us a better way — a way of love.

In the Bible, James’ particular focus is partiality based on socioeconomic differences, but the application of the principle is broad. Our key verse contains not just the challenging command but the key to obeying it: “My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ (James 2:1, emphasis added).

I need to hold to my faith, and my faith reminds me that Jesus did not, and does not, have favorites. That’s such good news for all of us! Not only did He die for anyone who would believe, but also He interacted with all sorts of people. Here is our ultimate example of love, a love that knows no limits.

This is countercultural. God turns everything on its head. He inspires us and invites us to love others as He loves us. When we love someone who isn’t like us and has little to offer us, instead of showing partiality toward them, we’re loving like Jesus. We’re showing them Jesus.

As a mom, I have a glorious opportunity to live this out in front of my kids. No child has to be shown how to spot differences, make fun of others or exclude others from their games. As we welcome others, we get to teach our kids how the Lord chooses to love them, and we get to show our kids what it looks like to love others who aren’t like them.

Jesus doesn’t have favorites, and He calls us to choose to love in the way He does. That’s a glorious calling!

Heavenly Father, thank You that with You there’s never any favoritism — just Your loving welcome for sinners like me. I want to be like You and to show Your welcome to those around me who aren’t like me. Show me who I can love like You love today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Philippians 2:3-5, “… in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus …” (ESV)

Whose interests can you serve today by counting their good as more significant than your convenience?

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