Topic:  Journey to Christmas with the Midwives of the Messiah: Tamar – Daily Treasure devotionals – 23 November 2021 

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Journey to Christmas with the Midwives of the Messiah: Tamar

by Sharon W. Betters


But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me; the Lord has forgotten me.” Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before Me. -Isaiah 49:14-16 (ESV)

This week Tamar joins us on our Journey to Christmas. Tamar’s story rivals any soap opera for drama and evokes emotional empathy for a sister who experiences abuse and rejection. 

Also Read: Open Heaven 23 November 2021 –Topic: UNITED IN REBELLION? 

Tamar’s story showcases how God works behind the scenes for His glory and good of His people in ways we can never imagine. Tamar suffered rejection, betrayal, probable physical, verbal, emotional, and possibly sexual abuse. Picture an emotionally beaten woman, eyes cast down, and fear-wracked countenance. This is Tamar. Yet, against all odds, Tamar lands on her feet, honored and respected by the very ones who abused her.

Because of my own life journey, God used Tamar’s story to encourage me to trust Him to keep all of His promises, even when I couldn’t see Him at work. Her story helps me wait on the Lord in ways I thought impossible.

I sense your take away might be different, but I do not doubt there are treasures Tamar is ready to put into your hands and heart. I love Tamar and I am eager for you to love her, too!

Treasured by Him,



Welcome Tamar into your life by learning more about her amazing story. Suggested resources:

Read Matthew 1:1-3a 

Read the book Harlots and Heroines, The Midwives of the Messiah, Chapter 1  

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