Topic: Just Turn It Off – Daily Devotional by Greg Laurie Ministry 29 July 2020

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Just Turn It Off

by Greg Laurie on Jul 29, 2020 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. —Ephesians 6:11Scripture:Ephesians 6:11

One morning many years ago, our sons Christopher and Jonathan were sitting at the table eating breakfast and watching cartoons. Christopher was around 11 or 12 at the time, and Jonathan was still young enough to be in a high chair.

Christopher was running behind schedule, so my wife, Cathe, said, “Christopher, turn off the TV, go upstairs, make your bed, and get ready for school.”

But he just kept eating cereal and watching the cartoon. So Cathe told him, “Christopher, did you hear what I said? Turn off the TV, go upstairs, make your bed, and get ready for school.”

Christopher ignored her again, so she said it a third time.

But before she could come back for the fourth time, Jonathan climbed out of his high chair, walked over to the TV, turned it off, and then said to his brother, “Go make your bed!”

And amazingly, Christopher got up from the table and walked upstairs.

Sometimes the best thing to do is just turn it off.

Temptation starts in the mind, so be practical. Did you know that if you’re sitting in a movie theater and something comes on that you shouldn’t watch, you can actually get up and walk out?

Or, more likely these days, if you’re watching TV and a scene comes on that you shouldn’t be seeing, don’t watch it anymore. Turn it off.

And if you’re married and considering an adulterous fling, here’s what you need to know: your sin will find you out (see Numbers 32:23). You’re headed down a road that will lead you to a miserable end.

If only we would think these things through and take practical steps to protect ourselves.

We need to keep our spiritual armor on at all times. We need to keep our guard up and be aware that the enemy can hit us at any time.

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