Topic: Keep It Honest [Joyce Meyer Devotional 21 March 2020]

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He who brings an offering of praise and thanks- giving honors and glorifies Me; and he who orders his way aright [who prepares the way that I may show him], to him I will demonstrate the salvation of God.— Psalm 50:23 (AMPC)

When I teach people, many times I’ll share things from my life and my family with them. Both Dave and I do our best to be honest about our victories and our failures. We share our mistakes, the stupid things we’ve done, and the wise decisions we’ve made. We want to give the testimony of our lives to hopefully help others live victoriously, too.

Guess what: Someone needs you today—the testimony of your life can help set them free! As you listen for the Holy Spirit’s voice, He’ll show you who specifically needs you to reach out on His behalf. When you trust Him with everything that you are, everything you hope to be, all your dreams, visions and desires, He will do amazing things in and through your life.

Prayer Starter: Father, please show me who I need to reach out to today. Thank You for giving me the direction and grace to help those You’ve placed in my path. In Jesus’s Name, amen.

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