Topic: KINGDOM CITIZENS [Charles Stanley Ministry 2019]

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In Christian circles today, there’s much talk about the kingdom of God, yet I wonder whether most believers know what that really means. How about you—could you describe it? Jesus spoke often on the subject and admonished us to “seek first His kingdom” (Matt. 6:33), but just how are we to do that?

We are born again by the Holy Spirit and made new creations, fitted for a life where righteousness reigns.

Think of it this way: There are two realms operating at the same time. When we trust Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we’re rescued from the domain of darkness—which is under the influence of Satan, its prince—and are transferred to the kingdom of God’s Son (Col. 1:13). Immediately a huge transformation occurs as we are born again by the Holy Spirit and made new creations, fitted for a life where righteousness reigns.

It’s important that we understand the grand scope of God’s kingdom, because it reaches around the globe. Your church is just one part of what the Lord is doing in the world as new citizens are added, one by one. And what is the means by which He adds them? The answer is, He uses you and me, along with every other believer. God is the only one who can save people, but all followers of Jesus have responsibility to proclaim the gospel of salvation so others can believe and enter His kingdom (Matt. 28:19).

My prayer is that this month’s devotions will be an inspiration as you faithfully work to help build God’s kingdom.

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