Topic: Know God as Your Father [Joyce Meyer Devotional 24 April 2021]

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And He said to them, When you pray, say: Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name…— Luke 11:2 (AMPC)

For many years I prayed the “Lord’s Prayer,” and I didn’t really know God as my Father. I didn’t have any kind of a close personal relationship with God. I was just repeating something I had learned.

If you want to be closer to the Lord and effective in your prayer life, it is important to know God as your Father. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He taught them what we call the “Lord’s Prayer,” which is a spiritual treasure house of principles for prayer. But foremost, Jesus started it by instructing them to say, “Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name.”

Jesus was showing them the privileged relationship He came to bring to every believer. He told them they could have a relationship with God as their Father if they expected to go to Him in prayer.

Don’t go to God as someone that you’re afraid of but develop a Father-child relationship with Him. That intimate relationship will give you liberty to ask Him for things you would not have asked for if you had a distant, stiff relationship with Him.

Our heavenly Father loves us and has His eye on us at all times. Learn to enjoy God! When you pray, remember you have a loving Father Who is listening.

Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You for knowing me and loving me on such a personal level. I love You so much. Thank You for all You have done for me, but most importantly, for living in my heart. In Jesus’ name, amen

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