Topic: KNOW WHO YOU ARE IN GOD – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 27 September 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together. When Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, and greatly afraid.” 1 Samuel 17:10,11 (KJV)Saul and his army were afraid of Goliath and they were hiding in the trenches. But here comes David, a young man who understood what he was made of. Beloved, there is something about knowing your covenant with your God. The problem of believers is basically a lack of knowledge and revelation of who they are already and what they already have. When Jesus said it is finished, it means it is already done! But do you see it? It’s already done! When he finished he sat down. The Lord said to my lord sit down until I make thy enemy thy foot stool.I don’t know whether you have the feeling or understanding that every time you are nervous or worried and anxious about anything, Jesus gets up from his throne to begin to run around. No way! God is seated, cool and He is chilling! Child of God, as far as heaven is concerned there is no more surprises. The devil cannot pull any on heaven. Your condition right now does not surprise him. Do you know why? Because he has sorted it out. That is why Paul’s prayer for the church is that we should know the hope of his calling! In other words, we should have the revelation of what happened on our behalf on the cross. Once you get it there is nothing that will defeat youEsther and Mordecai resisted Haman. They said Haman we know who we are. We will not serve your God. We are Jews! We are covenant people. We will not bow to another God no matter how you intimidate us. And the bible records that the plot against them was turned around. I don’t know what the enemy has plotted against you; I came to announce to you that it will turn around. They may have plotted to destroy your life or grind you to a halt, but I announce to you that the devil has lied again. Nothing will rob you of your testimony. Further Reading: 1 Samuel 17:20-27; Esther 3:1-5; 7:8-10Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Isaiah 3-4; Evening- Galatians 6

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