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Dearly beloved, I greet you with the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do have a wonderful day and week. Shalom!

QUESTION 1: Sir, I was told Apostle Paul cursed those who do not love Jesus in the Bible, please show me the verse I don’t know it, and tell me why he curse them?

ANSWER 1: Beloved, this is the scripture verse of the supposed curse, 1 Corinthians 16:22, “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.” Beloved, Apostle Paul didn’t curse anybody, he only said, those who don’t love Jesus Christ are cursed or condemned. He is right according to what Jesus Christ said in John 3:16-18, He told us they are condemned already. The Greek word, anathema, means the cursed or condemned. Those who do not love the Lord Jesus Christ are condemned already (See John 3:18), but their doom will be manifest at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (Second coming). A Christian should be one who loves the the Lord Jesus Christ and walks in His foot steps (See 1 Peter 2:21; John 14:15). He or she should love the Lord Jesus Christ more than anyone or anything in the world (See Matthew 10:37). Failure to love God’s Son (The Word of God) is a crime against God Himself, because He is His Word and His Word is Him (See John 1:1-3). Apostle Paul allows no way of escape to the man who does not love Jesus Christ. He leaves no loophole or excuse for such person. A man may lack clear head-knowledge and yet be saved. He may fail in courage, and be overcome by the fear of man, like Peter (See John 18:25-27). He may sin tremendously, like David (See 2 Samuel 12:1-13), and yet rise again. But if a person does not love Jesus Christ, he is not in the way of life but heading to condemnation eternally. The curse (condemnation) is yet upon him or her. He or she is on the broad road that leads to destruction eternally. While Maranatha, is an Aramaic expression used by the early Christians. If spaced like this, “maran atha” it means “Our Lord has come,” and if spaced like this, “marana tha” it means, Our Lord, come! Beloved, I hope you understand it, Apostle Paul didn’t curse anybody, he expressed what their failures to love Jesus Christ will bring upon them at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ or if they died without Jesus Christ.

QUESTION 2: Sir, please can you tell me, why many Churches and religions are hiding the truth from their followers?

ANSWER 2: Beloved, Jesus Christ said in John 10:10, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I (The Truth) am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Satan’s utmost desire is to see that people never know the truth, because he knew that knowing the truth will free people from his influences and manipulations through religion dogmas, precepts of men, false doctrines and the quoting out of purpose and context of the scripture by his servants or Ministers. Everyone of his servants do their best to ensure Satan have his desire fulfill. There are many reasons why anybody or people don’t want people or their followers to know the truth, but I will give you some of it and these are some of them below; (1). They want to kill them, steal them, and destroy their souls eternally (See John 10:10). (2). Such people are Satan’s messengers and Ministers to help him achieved his lusts or desire (See 2 Corinthians 14:15). (3). They are all hypocrites, appearing as angels of light or white beautiful graves (See Matthew 23:27) to decieve the ignorant ones. (4). They are authors of religion dogmas, man-made precept, and other things contrary to the Gospel (Word of God) of Jesus Christ (See Matthew 13:37-39). (5). They are the causes of disunity or division in Christianity today (See Romans 16:17-18). (6). They don’t want it to be all about Jesus Christ, but their personalities and religion dogmas or man-made precept. (7). They are the reason Christians can never be one or United as brethren, because our worship systems varies and many are demonic, diabolical and unscriptural.

QUESTION 3: Sir, can a Christian be very Rich in this world and still maintain Right standing with Christ?

ANSWER 3: My bishop, Yes, it’s true, but Jesus Christ said in Matthew 19:24, “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” He never said it’s impossible, but it’s so hard or difficult. Abraham was greatly rich, yet maintained his standing with God till the end. Solomon was the richest person that has ever walked on earth, but it takes the grace and mercy of God to saved him from perishing because of his riches. Jesus Christ describe the complexity of it, by using the needle’s eye, as easier for a camel to go through, than for a rich man to make it to heaven.

My bishop, It’s possible, but if only you can keep up these conditions, such as; (a) Your purpose of serving God: that’s, you must maintain this purpose, and not prioritize anything of this world over it. Apostle Paul prioritized his calling of God in Christ Jesus above all worldly glories that were gain to him (See Philippians 3:7-8). And no affliction could take away the purpose of his calling from him, because he was maintaining this purpose, and he was having a blessed assurance which he declared in 2 Timothy 4:7-8). (b) Knowing that no crown or trophy is given until the game or race is finished: this truth will help you stay on course to finish your course and also help you maintain your standing with God without falling away. (C) Don’t see your riches as a permanent thing: this darkness was explained by King David in Psalm 49:10-12, “For he seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth to others. Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names. Nevertheless man being in honour abideth not: he is like the beasts that perish.”

My beloved, it takes the grace and mercy of God to be rich and maintain right standing with God. Though it’s not impossible, but only very, very few can make it. Things of this world in this present world is overtaking many people from God’s love, even against their wishes. The greater your riches the greater your problems. Hope you understand my points of view. Shalom!

QUESTION 4: Sir, thank you very much for the truth, I used to believe that because we are all of same physical features that proves we all are serving One God. But your message has corrected my mentality spiritually. But how can I know what is of God and of Satan without having divine revelation like you?

ANSWER 4: Beloved, God bless you, see, the more we study (books, including Bible), the more will discover our ignorance and the more we know the truth. Jesus Christ declared that in John 8:31-32. See, (a) Whenever you are reading the bible, put a notebook by your side, and take notes of the things that pleases God and the things that displeases Him. (b) take notes of biblical events, what were God’s response to them. (c) Pray for the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit before you start reading or studying the Bible, ask God for wisdom, knowledge and understanding for you to know and see the truth in what you are reading or studying. (d) Take not of anything written or spoken word about the devil or Satan in the Bible, and take knowledge of them. (e) Take not of every wrong or evil deeds in the Bible, because they were authored by Satan’s influences upon them. Satan couldn’t influenced Jesus Christ through temptation in the wilderness (See Matthew 4:1-11) and on the cross (See Matthew 27:39-44).

Revelations are not all pictures or videos (spiritual views of things), but can also be audios (voice of God), they can be revealed to us by God when reading or studying the Bible, all depends on how much our hearts are longing or desiring to know the truth. Our desire to know the truth can make God also show us the truth in one way or another we can understand (See Jeremiah 33:3).

QUESTION 5: Some Muslims speak good of Jesus and they have their own Bible in addition to their Quran, they see Jesus as only a prophet not Son of God, is that acceptable to God?

ANSWER 5: Beloved, 100% NO! The main thing about Jesus Christ that is acceptable to God, is our believing in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, which was written in John 3:16, but Muslims never believed in this verse, so any good thing they say about Jesus Christ, before God is darkness. Believing in God through Jesus Christ is all that matters to God (See John 14:6). Muslims relegated Jesus Christ in many ways like the Roman Catholic Church, both of them belongs to Satan. Muslims magnified a sinful bastard called Mohammed above Jesus Christ before their god. The Romans Catholics magnified Mary above Jesus Christ by calling her mother of God. So any religion or Church, that doesn’t believe solely on Jesus Christ as the only way to God, the only ground of our acceptance to God and justification from God are all Satan’s Churches and religions. Jesus Christ is not looking for who to speak good of Him but never believe in Him. Only those who believe in Him are those He is interested in their praises of Him not unbelievers. Jesus Christ is above all things in heaven and earth, and all those who rate, regard or value anything more than Him, will perish eternally. All Muslims are Hell Fire bound, only those among them that genuinely repent and yield completely to the Lordship and Kingship of Jesus Christ, will not perish eternally. Their praises of Jesus Christ without believing in Jesus Christ is darkness before God even as the prayers of sinners who haven’t genuinely repented are also abomination before God. People can be speaking good of you with their mouths but inwardly are your greatest enemy. Don’t treasure praises of Jesus Christ by any Muslim, if they refused to believe Him as the son of God, that He died for our sins, and that He is the gateway to God and to heaven.

Dearly beloved, share the questions and answers with your friends, some may have these questions in their minds but won’t ask anybody, you can help them out. God bless you. Shalom!



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