Topic: Learn to Enjoy Your Life [Joyce Meyer Devotional 16 August 2021]

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The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they might have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).— John 10:10 (AMPC)View Previous DevotionalAUGUST 16, 2021

Learn to Enjoy Your Life

I have a few questions for you. Are you enjoying your life? Are you generally happy and satisfied with who you are and what you do each day? Do you take time to appreciate the everyday experiences that make life rich and rewarding? Or do you race through each day to get to the next one? Do you take breaks and find things to laugh about on a regular basis, or do you allow the pressures of your responsibilities to carve a frown on your face as you keep your nose to the grindstone? 

God wants you to be happy today and every day. He doesn’t want you to merely exist, but to enjoy being alive. In fact, we know from today’s scripture that Jesus did not come to us simply to give us physical life, or to give us just enough to get through life’s challenges and difficulties. He came to impart to us true life and authentic happiness—the rich, deep, joy-filled life God intends for us, the kind of life that is in abundance, to the full, until it overflows.

I challenge you to go to a whole new level of enjoyment in your daily life. Don’t wait for a special occasion to enjoy life. Enjoy it moment by moment, day by day. Learn to be happy in ordinary experiences such as waiting in traffic or doing the dishes. You’ll find your level of joy steadily increasing in your life. Whatever your current level of happiness is, I invite you to step into greater joy. Live with more passion; laugh more; relax more; smile more; and simply enjoy more. 

Prayer Starter: Lord Jesus, I want to enjoy every day of my life. Help me experience a whole new level of Your joy. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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