Topic: Learning from Moses (4) – Daily Devotional by Jentezen Franklin Ministry 27 August 2020

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Learning from Moses (4)

“By faith…he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.” Heb 11:27 NIV

Fourth: You must persevere when life gets difficult. You could sum up the life of Moses in these two words: “He persevered.” It’s a fact of life that there’s no gain without pain, no advancement without adversity, and no progress without problems. Moses understood that difficulties come into every life, and he knew how to respond to them correctly and move on. And we must learn to do that too. As followers of Christ, we should never let problems defeat us; instead, we should let them draw us closer to God. Someone has said that we should never let problems get us down—except down on our knees to pray! God allows specific situations in our lives to bring growth. And without perseverance we won’t get very far. Notice the words “By faith…he persevered.” Faith in what? Faith in whom? Faith in God! We’re not talking here about some white-knuckled, flesh-based form of self-help. No, we’re talking about the fact that when God calls you to do a job, He equips and empowers you. He goes ahead of you and provides everything you need. When you say yes to His plan for your life, you can stand on this promise: “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Ro 8:28 NIV). So you must (a) know who you are; (b) take responsibility for your life; (c) determine your priorities; and (d) persevere when life gets difficult. If you abide by these four Bible truths, you will live a life that is truly blessed by God.

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