Topic: “LEAVEN” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 11 June 2020

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READ: 2 Timothy 2:14-19

A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” – Galatians 5:9

A little leaven can affect everything. This Scripture speaks of the influence that a little error can have. A little error in the doctrines of the leader can lead to the destruction of many lives. Entire churches and denominations are led into lukewarmness and fruitlessness because of a little difference in doctrine. The church’s failure to teach about salvation through faith and grace, created a totally backslidden church whose members bought their salvation with money.

Some Bibles say that Jesus Christ was born of a young woman rather than a virgin. Although there seems to be just a little difference between a young woman and a virgin, it makes a huge difference to who Jesus Christ was. If He was born of a virgin then He was supernatural and had fulfilled an ancient prophecy (Isaiah 7:14). If He was just born of a young woman then He was just like any of us.

Failing to talk about miracles and healing creates a powerless church that is very different from the church Christ left. Indeed, there are many things to preach about without touching on the subject of the anointing or the healing power of God. “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (2 Timothy 3:5).

Failing to talk about Heaven and eternity can make a big difference in the type of congregation we see. The modern church conveniently shies away from the discussion of Hell. This makes a huge difference and has created a powerless church whose heart is set on earthly things.

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