Topic: Led by the Spirit [Joyce Meyer Devotional 3 December 2020] -

Topic: Led by the Spirit [Joyce Meyer Devotional 3 December 2020]

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But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).— Galatians 5:16 (AMPC)

It’s interesting that in today’s verse, Paul did not say that the cravings or desires of the flesh would no longer exist for God’s children. He did say, though, that we can choose to be led by the Holy Spirit, and by making that choice, we wouldn’t give in to the temptations that try to separate us from God.

There are so many other voices trying to lead us—other people, the devil, or even our own flesh (our body, mind, will, or emotions)—and often several are talking at the same time.

In order to live in close relationship with God, it’s crucial that we choose to be led by the Holy Spirit instead of those other voices. Only He knows the will of God, and He’s been sent to live in each of us, to help us become all God has designed us to be, and to fulfill all He wants us to do.

When we’re following the voice of the Holy Spirit, He leads us by peace, by wisdom, and by God’s Word. He also speaks through a still, small voice in our hearts as we seek to live for God. The more we follow His leading, the more we will be victorious in life.

I want to encourage you to begin each day by saying, “Holy Spirit, I will listen for Your leading today. Please give me the wisdom, grace and peace I need to stay in line with Your guidance.”

Prayer Starter: Lord, please help me begin to hear and act on Your voice above every other voice vying for my attention. Thank You for helping me walk out Your will for my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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